Here’s our newest baby girl, Hailey Brooke! I am forever and ever grateful to be able to grow these precious babes and add them to our family. My sweet friend Leah came over to our house for Hailey’s newborn session and let me say, having “bigger” kids makes photos soo much easier! They were eager and excited to get in the pictures with their baby sister. The hardest part of the session was finding something for me to wear that fit and I felt good in postpartum. I definitely Amazoned that shirt last minute. It opened my eyes again to what my clients experience before their sessions!
Hailey is ten days old in these photos and is now approaching four weeks old. She is doing so well. You’ll find her either sleeping, drinking milk, wanting to party at 3am, cuddled on our chests, or blissfully napping in her mini crib in the living room while her siblings play loudly around her. She fits right into our craziness. Looking through these photos makes me think back to our newborn photos for Claire in 2020 and James in 2017. I love having the photos to reflect on those special times and see how tiny they were.
Here’s our Hailey honeycomb (as James has officially nicknamed her). Leah did such a great job and provided so many images in the gallery, it was hard to cull it down to these favorites. I love them all!